Padley Gorge, Higger Tor + Stanage Edge Walk From Hathersage | 12-Mile Route

Surprise View walk from Hathersage

Another one of those walks with a variety of different scenery along the way, from riverside, woodlands and open land you have a mix of everything on this stunning walk from Hathersage.

The walk initially takes you along the trail alongside the beautiful River Derwent which then subsequently leads to Grindleford Station (another option for the walk start point). From here the walk goes through Padley Gorge, a hidden treasure of trickling streams and woodlands before leading you out to open moorlands.

You’re in for a surprise at Surprise View as it really is a beautiful viewpoint across the Hope Valley and hills beyond, following Millstone Edge you have the iconic gritstone rocks on your right, known as Over Owler Tor, you can choose to include these in your walk or simply continue towards Higger Tor.

From Higgor Tor summit you can see the iconic Stanage Edge stretching out for miles on your left, the route takes you down and then up to Stangage Edge for the end of your walk.

Here you will find details on how to get to the start of the walk from Hathersage (also options to start the walk from Grindleford, Surprise View car park or Upper Burbage – see details below), route information, map, GPX file, plus a detailed step by step guide of the walk.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve done this walk through Padley Gorge and Stanage Edge.


Padley Gorge, Higger Tor + Stanage Edge from Hathersage

White Pass Moss trig point on Stanage Edge

Walk information

Walk type: Medium circular walk

Distance: 11.6 miles/18.7 km

Walk time: 5.5-6.5 hours

Total ascent: 489 m/1,604 ft

Highest point: 455 m/1,492 ft

Walk highlights: River Derwent, Padley Gorge waterfalls, Surprise View, Millstone Edge, Higger Tor, Stanage Edge + Robin Hood’s Cave

Trigs: 1 – White Path Moss (Stanage Edge) – (Option to add High Neb)

Ethels: 2 – Higgor Tor + White Path Moss (Stanage Edge) – (Option to add Stanedge Pole + High Neb)

Stiles: 0

gpx file

Padley Gorge, Higger Tor + Stanage Edge walk map

© Crown copyright and database rights (2024) OS 002572460


Click for online map

Walk start point

Start grid reference: SK 2311 8154

Car parking address: Oddfellows car Park, Oddfellows Road, Hathersage, Hope Valley, S32 1DD – Google location

This is a medium sized pay and display car park (68 spaces), peak costs (see below*) apply between 8 am to 6 pm. Evening parking is £1.20* between 6 pm and 8 am. There is a cash, card or pay by phone options.

You can download the PaybyPhone App to pay for parking. The location code is 806393. This parking App is used at numerous other car parks in the Peak District so it’s worth downloading.

  • Up to 1 hour £1.70
  • Up to 2 hours £2.70
  • Up to 3 hours £4.00
  • Up to 4 hours £5.20
  • All day £6.20

*Prices correct at time of writing.

Public transport

Nearest train station: Hathersage train station is close to the centre of Hathersage so you could start the walk if you’re travelling by train – Google location You can also start the walk from Grindleford train station which is on the walk.

Facilities on the walk

There are public toilets available a few minutes away from the start of the walk, which is why we have selected the route to go via Hathersage Main Street to begin the walk. 

At base of Stanage Edge, there are more public toilets; however this is close to the end of the walk

There are no other public toilets during the middle of the walk; however, if you stop at Grindleford Cafe for refreshments they have toilets available for customers. At the end of your walk there are plenty of food options in Hathersage from a couple of pubs, cafes and even a fish and chip shop.

Grindleford Cafe on walk
Grindleford Cafe

Other useful information

There’s a road crossing after Padley Gorge, over to Surprise View, this is a busy road and it’s a blind corner (photo below), I’d recommend walking down the road a short distance to cross before continuing your walk.

The second part of this walk can be cooler if it’s a cold day as Higger Tor and Stanage Edge are on open moorlands. Walking along Stanage Edge on a windy day can also be particularly cold so worth taking an extra layer for these sections.

Blind road crossing near Surprise View

Please keep the Peak District beautiful and respect everyone who uses the park. Take ALL your rubbish home to dispose of and remember close gates (as you found them). Thank you so much.

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Peak District weather

Check the weather for your walk location and hills. It’s often good to check a few resources.

Ordnance Survey walk maps

This is one of those walks that spans across both the Peak District maps, so you’ll need Ordnance Survey OL1 – Peak District (Dark Peak Area). Check prices here with Ordnance Survey or Amazon. If you’re hiking in all weathers the Active OS maps are good to have.

And also the Ordnance Survey OL24 – Peak District (White Peak Area). Check prices here with Ordnance Survey or Amazon. If you’re hiking in all weathers the Active OS maps are pretty good to have.

And don’t forget your compass, I recommend the Silva Expedition or the Silva Classic compass.

For online maps, I recommend OS Online App (I have been using for 4+ years and worth getting if you want to start walking more). Check prices here for the one month or yearly option with OS Online App. All the walks on the website are created using OS Online + you can download them to the App. 


Padley Gorge, Higger Tor + Stanage Edge walk route

Stage 1 – Hathersage to River Derwent

Distance: 0.8 miles/1.3 km

Grid reference SK 2311 8154

From Hathersage car park, head north to reach the main road that runs through Hathersage, cross over for the public toilets which are near the information point. Turn left walk down the main road, at the next road turn left, in front of you is the Little John Hotel (photo below).

Little John Hotel at Hathersage

Take the side road on the right-hand side of the pub and follow this as it winds round under the railway bridge. The road takes a left bend and shortly after there’s a private path to Nether Hall, ignore this and take the public footpath below a stone stile (you can go around it), signposted Leadmill Bridge (photo below).

Signpost for Leadmill Bridge

Follow this footpath, through two small gates and a stone gap as you reach the road, Cross the road and continue walking down the public footpath (Harper Lees private road – this is a public right of way so you can walk this way).

Stage 2 – River Derwent to Grindleford

Distance: 2.5 mile/4.1 km

Grid reference SK 2333 8067

Walk alongside the River Derwent, through two gates next to cattle grids, then over a small stone bridge (Sign Harper Lees), then immediately bear right and go through the wooden kissing gate. Walk next to the left-hand boundary following the wooden markers then head to pick up the path next to the river. 

River Derwent
Walking alongside the River Derwent

The route then takes you through another kissing gate into Coppice Woods, walk though here and out the gate on the other side. Shortly after you’ll reach a random lonely stile near a bridge. Turn left before the gate and bridge down the narrow path next to the fence.

Now heading in a north-east direction away from the river, follow the feint path as it begins to ascend. There’s a gap in a stone wall and immediately after there’s a path heading diagonally uphill, walk up here, through the next gap in the wall and turn right. The path will take you over the railway bridge, then through a wide gate. Turn right, walking down the wide track, go through the gate next to the cattle grid and continue past the church on your left (photo below).

Church near Grindleford
Church near Grindleford

Continue over a bridge, around the corner and you’ll reach Grindleford Station* and cafe. Be sure to look out for trains coming out of the Totley Tunnel.

*Option to start the walk from here.

Stage 3 – Grindleford (Padley Gorge) to Higger Tor

Distance: 2.9 miles/4.7 km

Grid reference SK 2512 7875

At Grindleford Cafe, head back over the bridge and take the first footpath on the right through the gap in the wall signposted Padley Gorge. Take the uphill path which will bring you out on a wider path, as it reaches the top take the path on the left heading down to the water and across a small wooden bridge (photo below).

Wooden bridge
Padley Gorge (wooden bridge)

Walk uphill via the footpath that zig-zags up to the top and through a gate. Turn left here and walk alongside the wall then follow the footpath as it comes out of the trees. The path goes down some narrow paths, take the one bearing to the right and this will bring you out heading north towards the road at the top, through two gates on the way (photo below).

Walking up towards road crossing at Surprise View

Carefully cross the road, you may wish to walk further down the road as this is near a blind corner. Once across pick up the footpath directly opposite that goes left up to a couple of benches at Surprise View. Wall alongside the wall heading uphill, through another gate. There’s an option to go through the gate and walk next to Millstone Edge, or stay on the other side of the fence.

On your right is the gritstone rock formation of Over Owler Tor, if you prefer you can go this way on route to Higger Tor, it’s just add a tiny bit more ascent. Alternatively, keep on the lower path and walk all the way to where there’s a large oak tree. Ahead is Higger Tor (photo below), follow the footpath towards the left of the rock formation and you can follow this all the way to reach the top.

Higger Tor
Walking towards Higger Tor

Higger Tor is a beautiful place to see the Peak District heather in bloom – View more heather walks here.

Stage 4 – Higger Tor to Stanage Edge

Distance: 1.9 miles/3.1 km

Grid reference SK 2573 8190

You can take either path to explore the summit of Higger Tor, also a Peak District Ethels so you can tick this off too! Then to continue the walk, take the left hand path now heading north and you’ll begin to descend (photo below). 

Path towards Upper Burbage

This section is a rocky path so take your time and follow it all the way to Upper Burbage car park*. From the car park, go out the exit, cross the road and turn left then pick up the footpath (photo below) next to the large rock walking towards Stanage Edge.

*Option to start the walk from here.

Path leading to Stanage Edge
Path leading to Stanage Edge

Follow the path as it heads uphill, keep to the left and you’ll reach the first trig point on Stanage Edge – White Path Moss trig (also an Ethel).

From here, it’s simple navigation as you keep the edge on your left and follow the footpath along the top of Stanage Edge. Be sure to look out for the path that takes you down to Robin Hood’s Cave (photo below), marked on the map about 1 km after the trig point.

Robin Hood's Cave
Views from Robin Hood’s Cave

Continue along the edge, in the distance on your right is Stanedge Pole (visible on a clear day). You can pick up the main track on the right if you want to add this, as well as continuing on to High Neb as another out and back option for those that are trig and Ethel bagging.

Stage 5 – Stanage Edge to Hathersage

Distance: 3.3 mile/5.3 km

Grid reference SK 2443 8359

Another 1 km from Robin Hood’s Cave you’ll go past a boundary fence with a small black post and arrow marker (photo below). Very shortly after this is your footpath heading downhill, if you look down to your left you can see the path below the rocks. The path heads down on the left via a steep rocky section then immediately switches left again continuing downhill (it can be easy to miss so look out for it).

Boundary fence and marker just before path descends

The path descends taking you through two wooden gates then continues across open land, there’s a right or a left path option here but both take you to the road and a small building with public toilets (photo below).

Public toilets on route

From the toilets, turn left and then almost immediately right taking the footpath signposted Hathersage and Bamford. Walk down here, through a gate then on the lower path to the next gate which takes you on a switchback path and down a wide track to a gate that meets the road.

Waymarkers on way back to Hathersage

Turn right, then next left, signposted footpath, follow as it goes to the left of the buildings through another two gates. As you meet the next path turn right, through another two gates and follow the waymarker posts that take you round the right of the buildings (photo above).

Footpath through allotment

At the cattle grid, turn right through the allotment (photo above) then follow the path through a stone gap to a village green, keep to the right then at the houses walk down the path in-between before coming out at a small road which leads to the main road in Hathersage next to the toilets. 

From here you can head back to the car park or train station or alternatively stop for some refreshments.

Ask me questions about this route in the comments below.

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2 thoughts on “Padley Gorge, Higger Tor + Stanage Edge Walk From Hathersage | 12-Mile Route

  1. Andy says:

    Absolutely incredible walk, did this on Saturday so much variety as described, was a long one aswell especially if you add High Neb in as I did, views from Stanage are truly breath taking all though they dont get going until you pass the trig then it really opens up, hathersage and views into hope are wonderful whilst the unsung hero of shatton moor looks like a lake district hill at times, one thing to note and is typical for this time of year in the peaks is bulls, there was a good few hanging around in the fields next to the river derwent at the start of the walk

    • Becky - Peak District Walker says:

      Ah that’s wonderful to hear that you had a lovely walk, sounds like you picked a great day for it 🙂

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